Sunday, January 12, 2014


Art Director. Jakarta

What do you do for fun?

I read random books, make some digital paintings
 (oh i love photoshop brushes! it makes your life much more easier!)
I do piano cover from some song that I dig into,
or just simply sing and dance those top 40s guilty pleasure's song while showering.

Are you a religious person?

Not that religious like those fanatic adhocracy (well im pretty sure you know what i mean).
I was born and raised in a catholic family, and attended to catholic school as well. Back then when i was a teenager, I rarely went to church. But as I get older, I think I might need those weekly rituals so I can talk and share all my thoughts and doubts with someone beyond 'human' and be thankful for all the blessings that ive got.

Who in you life has influenced you the most? How did they do it?

My parents. They always treat me like we're bestfriends. We share everything even sometimes my dirty little secrets. They never judge my choice or my opinions. 
We discuss about almost everything. 
And they are my biggest positive energy and inspiration.

What is your ealiest memory?

When i was in junior high school, I failed to continue my classic piano class that I've attended for years. Back then, my dream job was a pianist and that failure torn my heart into pieces. Since then i was a bit traumatized with classical music and try to learn jazz. But it didnt last long. I was planning to get a bachelor degree in music, but my curiosity about graphic design changed my mind. While studying graphics, I met so many random yet talented people and some of them ask me to play music again. And now, here I am. Do both graphics and music. No regrets.

What are you avoiding?

Negative people.

Do you find yourself influencing your world, or it influencing you?

So far, I influenced by others. Im so blessed by having sooooo many talented and beautiful people in my life. And they really inspire me to do something and pretty as well. 
I hope that feeling is mutual.

Whats one of your favourite habits you have?

I dont know whether this is a habit or not. But i love to laugh and make people laugh. That happiness is kinda infectious. It helps me a lot when im feeling blue. 
Just take a deep breath, think funny, laugh and move on. 

If someone asked you to give them a random advice, what would you say?

Dont over-think everything. Meet any random people! Be inspired. Eat ur Favourite food. Watch scary movies, scream while you shocked. Watch drama-romantic movie, cry until you sob. Go ouot with your bestfriends, make silly jokes, laughs until you cry.
 Make something big. do something big. Just do Good, be happy and explore your talents.

Look forward with hope, not backwards with regret. Live your life.


1 comment:

  1. I like this post..
    Make me feel like...
    Want to be better than now..
    About positive thinking...
    Coz I think..
    I have positive thinking
    But have negative feeling in same time..
    ~ So confused about myself too..
    ThxQ for yr post..
