Sunday, January 19, 2014


Fashion Designer. Singapore

Please tell us the story of your life as a teenager

Oh man, where do i start. Well, I was one of those kids that got bullied till I was 15, I had bronze glasses and centre parting hairdo and apparently no sense of style.

Always the awkward kid that nobody could understand. My dad was an interior designer and he exposed me and my brothers to the arts. I was always a dreamer too and with a massive imagination but didn't really do very well in school academically, I felt school was a big joke because I was taking subjects that I couldn't excel in (the principal thought literature was too difficult for our level and took it out of our syllabus and even art!) so to cut things short I did really badly in school but went to an art college after high school-  that was where I met like-minded people and where i started to find myself . I started to express myself through dress and this is where I go through different phases.

I guess I was always finding myself and my clothes are an extension of who I am, my body is my canvas and I am the painter.

How do you see yourself now?

Well i believe I am in a really good place, having started a label (MASH-UP) with my friends. Everyday is a different day and its great experiencing that. I am also starting to really find myself and know who I am.

What is the biggest opportunity that you have ever had?

Well recently MASH-UP had a chance to collaborate with Uniqlo, they picked up two of our designs and it will be on sale in all southeast asian Uniqlo store. We are truly blessed and so psyched!!!! ALSO if we didn't have government support and funding our label wouldn't have even existed !

Please name 5 websites that you most frequently visit

MOVIE2K ( THAT'S NOT AROUND ANYMORE :( ) i live for movies .

Who is your biggest inspiration? Please elaborate the reason

WITHOUT A DOUBT M.I.A. She's always so inspiring, she might be the only artist that I follow up to date. She's a true artist and visionary and knows who she is and what she wants to be. She's also way ahead of her time and always surprises people. I Remember bumping into her on the road in Bali at the back of a  bike and eventually saw her backstage at Potatohead, I think i might have died when I actually had a conversation with her. (please forgive the fanboy in me)

What is/are the songs that you listen to when you are dressing up?

Well, I actually don't! I dress up really fast, about 10 minutes and I'm done as I don't like to be late.  So unless I have to think of what I need to wear I usually just throw on and give myself a 30 minutes time limit.

How do you see yourself 3 years from now?

Hopefully I won't be single lol.

Have lived in a country for 3 months,

interned for one of my favourite designers.

Learn one language.

be able to sustain my own business

What is the most traumatic event that you have ever experience?

well perhaps the death of my grandma, She took care of me and saw me grow up. I owe all I am to her.

What is the most ridiculous wisdom words that you have ever heard?

haha aren't wisdom words suppose

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