Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Artist. Berlin

What’s the 1st thing you notice about people?

Their energy. Meaning everything from physical and non-physical behavior, presentation, manners added up all together.

What are you committed to?

In 2014 I have committed to do things that I only want to do, not because I have to do.

What is the best decision you ever made?

 To left first year of high school and pursued my career instead.

What are some of the 1st things you do in the morning? 

To snuggle wit that person in my bed some more, if it’s empty then I would get up and brew my yerba mate while checking up with the world on the Internet.

If someone were to make a movie about your life,
who would you hope would play you?

I need to review their casting tapes first.

 If you could try out any job for a day, what would it be? And why? 

Always want to make juice for people. I would probably apply for that job at this juice place by the apartment I am staying at in NY. Why? Because it’s close, very convenient.

(all images photographed by Diana Dalsasso, Styling : @Brookeyln_styles)

What kind of vacations do you like? 

The one that I have never experienced before.

Would you rather be Hated or Forgotten?

Hated. Because when you hated you know you have touched those hater hearts in some way, and just by that small interaction, a small energy passed, then somehow, it will change their life. For the good or the bad. Depends how you look at it. I always say, for the good.

 Do you think GOD exists? 

Yes. We all are. 

Notes : 
Fa'velapunk is the Founder of CAST EYEWEAR
and currently active as Eco warrior of BORNEO rain forest and its wildlife


  1. MY ROLE MODEL!!!!!!!!!! No one wouldn't hate you btw

