Monday, December 16, 2013


Artist . Bandung 

What you’ve been up to now?

After My solo exhibition “100 Years of Tempest”  last year. I just got back from Jogja for JOGJA BIENNALE XII, where I remake my “100 years of tempest (2012)” 

 “100 moving numbers (2013).
Now I’m preparing my upcoming solo show, expanding artist merchandise and think deeply what kind of thing I can contribute to make Bandung a better place to stay

How did you finally end up dong what yo do now?

I finished studying printmaking at the fine Art Department of bandung Institute of Technology in 1997. And then in 2005 , I attained a MA in Cultural Studies from Goldsmith college, University of London.

I often plays with issues of fantasies and human unconsciousness that feels idiosyncratic and sometime absurd. Using items that I encounters in my daily life, I creates artworks that feel somehow feminine and are often characterized by critism of temporary culture.

Im still keeping up my 15 years career as an Artist.

Can you tell us the most discourage thing working as an Artist ?

Ideas! , somehow its too many you don’t know how to execute the idea perfectly .
Cause talking about my works,  I always try expresses my thoughts on how nothing in contemporary life is what it seems –playing around with the sacred, beautiful surface that shroud psychosis and neurosis in the urban Indonesian cosmopolites. And uses the projections of my own social image and personal live as the narrative that are told in games and bags of tricks, and I always want to invite the viewers to play along and find mutual understanding in creative, darkly humorous ways. Hehe…

What is your guiltiest Pleasure?

Sleeping on DEADlines! haha

What is your biggest insecurity?

To be Honest im afraid being Fat more than anything , I can almost handle anything but being FAT? Oh I hate exercise .. ( LOL )

If youre not an Artist what would you be?

Mother and a Housewife!
Simply those things I like to do most , Soulfully

How do you see yourself 3 years from now?

Same but with progress

Name 3 things you cant live without!

My Daughter, My Lover, and Water


check her work "HERE"

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