Thursday, December 12, 2013


Designer. New York 

When you decided to move to NYC what exactly did you say to your parents to convince them? 

Honestly , we were always fascinated with NYC since we were little girls . we would always see it on tv and look at New York fashion in magazines. 
We would always mentions to our parents that we would move to NYC when we grew up! HAHA! So when we felt the time is right , we told them ...
"Mom and Dad , wer moving to NYC in 2 weeks , We want to start our business and see our eyewear brand grow!"
Our parents are very supportive so they both told us ..
"We know it will work out 
but if it doesnt you always know you have a home to come back to. "

Have you ever been envious to each other ?

We are best friend , business partners , sisters , twins and all of the above .
We have never been envious of each other. one of our OCD problems are we like to make everything even .. HAHA..
Coco : So if Breezy eats 2 fries then i eat 2 fries , if i spit my gum then she does too! 
its just something that weve done since kids .We both know that one is stronger at certain things then the other .We use that to push each other and help our weaknesses.

In your opinion, what youngsters should do in order to have successful brand like Coco and Breezy ?

I think that youngsters should start as they have the idea in their mind.
When you are young of course its easy to get caught up in the famous quote

"Im still young .. I have time"

This certainly not the case, be sure to always stay focused, and hang around positive people so you can all uplift each other thoughts and ideas.

Can you tell me 3 most inspiring websites for you guys ?

What is your biggest insecurity ?

We have a very hard time approaching people because we are so shy!
if we see someone with a super cute outfit, it takes us like 10 minutes of arguing who is going to go to introduce ourselves to tell the person we like their outfit 

We recently just visited china,
and being out there actually helped us break out of our shell from earning the new culture and language.We had no choice but to go up to people to find a wat around . 
Our goal for when we get back to the US is to use what we gained and learned in china

Please mention one specific activity
that you think people shoul do before they die ( bucket list ) !

Travel to around another country outside the country they currently live! I think its very mind opening and free when you get to experience to other ways people live.
It really makes you appreciate your life and others.

Who is your Greatest idol ?

Our Mother and Father are our greatest idols . 

First lets speak about Mom, she is such a rock star..
she carried 2 of us in her little stomach hahahaha!! She is also an inspiration. 
we learned our hard work ethic from both of our parents.

Next lets talk about Pops...
He recently lost both of his legs and he is relearning how to walk using prosthetic legs. Since this happen to him, we  have not heard him complain not even once!!! He has been very positive through out of his whole process and journey.

If we ever have one negative thought about anything...
We quickly change it into a positive.. because our dad always keeps a smile on his face. 

works : 

Follow COCO&BREEZY on instagram "HERE"

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