Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Designer . Jakarta

Who is Nina Nikicio ?

I know that she is restless, witty, a bit cocky, and pretty mad in the head. She laughs a lot - mostly at herself, because she doesn't take life seriously.

Please Tell us about the most discourage thing working in fashion industry?

I want to start giving topics like the lack of government support or the negative perspective of fashion but seriously, I cant complain. I love my job.

How did you initiate your business?

We set up a website (even though NIKICIO is founded by myself but I hate using the word I, it sounds selfish. The truth about NIKICIO is the brand got a lot of help from friends and families) and started really small - from trying to sell a dozen jackets to selling hundreds of them. We have a vision that NIKICIO will be great and that's that.

Do you think lover is significant ? How ? 

All lovers are. They become a part of you when you let them to, and that's when they inspire you in some way.

What do you think about #SELFIE ?

as long as it's #classy

How do you see yourself 5 years from now ?  

Not dead.

Which one do you prefer,  design for sale or design for soul ? 

It is easy to choose one but when you have to design for both - now that is a challenge.


Check her NIKICIO "HERE"
Follow her on INSTAGRAM "HERE"

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