Thursday, December 5, 2013


Pianist . New York 

What did you aspire to be when you were a child ? 

Actually, music was not my first love. I remember, as a child, I wanted to be a designer of some sort, dresses, to be exact. I used to sketch dresses and made a little designer debut at my stepbrother’s wedding when some of my dresses came to actuality.

 Is theres any special moment that you think made who you are right now ?

Many. My life is comprised of special moments. To elaborate on each and every one of them is impossible.

 What are you doing as of this moment ?

Building piano repertoire, preparing for the “Edvard Grieg 2014 Piano Competition” in Bergen, Norway, and a little bit of NY real estate.

 Whats the biggest opportunity that you ever had ?

Biggest yet (I’d like to think that there will be much bigger ones to come ;)), was the opportunity to do Prajaa.  Besides being a huge learning curve, it was also a catalyst to start a journey to self-discovery, in which I fall in love with music all over again.

Whats on the top list on your bucketlist ? 

Whoa! I don’t think I’m dying anytime soon, so I don’t have a bucket list. Top priority of my wish list is to travel more. I am an Epicurean at heart; I love to travel and experience different food and cultures.

Whats in your mind everytime you play the piano ?

I think about the music, the structure, the melodic line, the texture, what I want to convey of the music, the totality of it.

Whats your biggest failure ? 

Hmmm… this one is tough to answer. Of course it was not always smooth sailing and I have had many unsuccessful endeavors and not-so-smart choices, but what I like to do is take the lesson, forgive myself, forget about it and never do it again.

How does it feel to live far away from home ?

It is somewhat liberating. Knowing that you are on your own, making your own choices, taking responsibility by the horn. It gives you a sense of adulthood but I surely do miss the familiarities of home. My biggest withdrawal will be that of FOOD!

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