Friday, June 6, 2014


Entrepreneur. Bali

What are you freakishly good at?


If you had something to teach what would it be?

Always be kind, you never know who that person might be in your future.

For you, What is the difference between living and merely existing?

What is life if you just exist
We don't have much time on this earth so make it count.
I live to love, eat, travel & surround myself with souls I can spend eternity with.

Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

I wouldn't be the person I am today if I didn't have old memories.
I would like to think I am happy enough with the memories I have.

What's one thing you're deeply proud of but would never put on your resume?

I'm really good at watching a whole season of a tv show in 24 hours.
It's one of my favorite things to do, when I have the time.

Have you ever had a complete breakdown?

Of course, don't we all?
And I healed like everyone else, with time.
Time heals all wounds.

Can you list 8 things that prove you are blessed?

1. My girlfriend, she pushes me to be the better version of myself.

2. My family is my support base, they wont ever let me sway.

3. My friends who continue to remind me, change is the only constant in this life
and although we change we never be without each other.

4. Work, I have been blessed the last couple of years.
its been an eye opening & most thrilling time of my life.

5. The fact that i got to travel. Travel has been good for the soul.

6. Health, this has become more important to me with age.

7. My dogs, they love me unconditionally.

8. Lastly I got shoes on my feet, clothes on my back & roof over my head.
Cant forget the basics LOL.

Do you think LOVE is chemical, intellectual, spiritual?

LOVE is all of those things.
But mostly I think LOVE is a commitment to a person who makes you the best version of yourself.
Love is respect, to your partner, your family, and your friends.


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