Sunday, January 26, 2014


Creative Enthusiast (S.Woonderland). Jakarta

Do you think any kind of afterlife exists? 

As a catholic,
 this belief had been planted in my family’s perspective and me since the beginning. 
However, with all the respect and modesty I have for every belief – 

I personally believe that heaven and hell exists since it is mentioned in the bible, 
which reflects the concept of social control, 
how to control your actions and possessing a fear towards god. With the lack of that mindset, 
I feel that the social life of human beings would be very disorganized. 
Exists or not it doesn’t matter, 
the most important thing for me is that our life should not harm others.

Whats the biggest personal change you’ve ever made?

Yup, back then I used to be egoistic, and unwise when it comes to judging something, and I feel that in my career, specifically since I started living on my own, 
meeting new people from different backgrounds, 
it started to open up my mind towards judging something, 
and it is not easy to judge a situation.

Whats something most people don’t know about you?

Honestly, I have very low self-esteem and I am easily panicked, although at times my low self-esteem could turn into something surprising, leaving you to get more than you expected.

What accomplishment are you most proud of ?

In 2013, I was blessed with so many great opportunities. One of them is that a cigarette company trusted me to be a fashion curator along with Dana Maulana, a close friend of mine, also a figure who I respect a lot. Another accomplishment for me would also probably be that S.Woonderland gets to be spread around the international market, specifically in Asia through the premium label of The Black & Brown Beauty by S.W

Do you think its better to get married when you’re young or better to wait a while?

Doesn’t make a difference. 
Because I believe that marriage comes when you are mentally prepared, 
doesn’t matter how old you are, 
and you need to understand what the purpose of your marriage would be. 
The age factor when it comes to marriage is a cliché to me, not a winning factor.

Who are some people you would like to meet someday?

Honestly, I always wanna see my own child’s face!

What are you pretending not to know?

People talking about us.

Do any of the things that used to upset you a few years ago matter at all today? 

I think there are none yet, only small things that could be learned in life, 
and so far I could say that I have lived an okay life.

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